Events & Trade Shows

Scaling The Heights

This Exhibition was a rare opportunity to explore Newcastle’s Tyne Bridge North Tower. The Architecture Research Collaborative (ARC) recently presented a programme of public talks and exhibitions on the physicality and ascent on tall structures and artificial mountains.

One such exhibition and performance was by adventure photographer and long time Digitalab client, Lucinda Grange.

Lucinda is an award winning English adventure photographer and has travelled the world, scaling some of the tallest and most iconic structures and buildings. Amongst her list of climbs is the Great Pyramid, Firth of Forth Rail Bridge and the Chrysler Building.

Below is a series of images we created for Lucinda’s stunning exhibition. Stunning C-Type Crystal Archive Prints were mounted to white Foamex in order to create a durable but light and minimalist display option. For more information on our mounted prints visit the ‘Mounting & Lamination Options’ page on the site HERE

For more information on Lucinda’s incredible, vertical exploration and photography, visit her website at