Featured Photographers

Digitalab Featured Photographer: Karen McGowran

At Digitalab, we know that you can’t underestimate the power of a truly exceptional image. The beauty of photography as an art form is in its diversity – with so many wonderful genres and so many utterly unique photographers out there, photography means many different things to many different people. That’s why we asked newborn and wedding photographer Karen McGowran a couple of questions about her style of photography, what she keeps in her kit bag and whether she has any advice for aspiring photographers hoping to make a career out of their passion.

Karen McGowran


Tell us a bit about this image and why you chose it to be featured.

I found it VERY hard to choose just one image for this article as I have lots of favourites and also change my set ups every week as I like to keep things fresh but this is a recent one I really liked. I think it shows how I love to style and pose babies using beautiful props. I also love that my mother knit the little blanket…something she does a lot of for my newborn shoots. It’s quite a family affair! I do admit I have a prop fetish and if you ever visit my studio you can see for yourself!

What one piece of advice would you give to any aspiring photographer?

Taking pretty photos of gorgeous babies is pretty fantastic but the key to making this work as a career is business and people skills. Learning how to promote your business and stand out in a saturated market is something a lot of photographers struggle with – and if you can gain business skills it can take your career to the next level. I know you only asked for one piece of advice but for Newborn photography, you need to learn about baby safety. You need to make sure the baby is comfortable and you never put them at any risk.

What is your camera of choice?

Nikon D750. I’ve been through almost all of the Nikon cameras and this one is my favourite so far. I love how it’s not too heavy and gives amazing images even in very low light.

How would you describe your style of photography?

I found this difficult to answer (doesn’t every photographer?) but I would say I photograph very new babies in a relaxed style with beautiful props and cute poses! I try very hard to make my shoots relaxing and enjoyable for the parents – and give them high quality images that will stand the test of time and look incredible on their walls.

Which styles of photography interest and inspire you?

I love all types of photography and follow a wide range of photographers, including landscapes, boudoir and digital art, but I think the person who is inspiring me most at the moment is Sue Bryce. The way she photographs women is simply beautiful and she’s incredibly inspiring too.

In addition to her baby and newborn photography, Karen is listed as one of the Top 50 Wedding Photographers in the UK! Check out her website to see more of her work or make an enquiry.