As industry leaders within the photographic community, Digitalab firmly believes the successful future for our marketplace and the customers we proudly service and provide products for depends upon the sustainability of the environment, the wider communities and the economies which we operate within. As individuals and as a business we are all accountable for our actions and how they affect the environment and the world we live in.

Digitalab are committed to minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment and pledge to demonstrate a leadership in the critically important area of sustainability, from our production processes, internal procedures, purchasing policies, sourcing of materials and distribution of products, we will continuously scrutinise these operations for improvement and consideration of environmental considerations.

We want our services and products to be part of a sensible sustainable society.


We Are Committed To:

  • Complying with or striving to exceed all environmental obligations and rulings laid out by both local and national Government guidelines.
  • Protecting the environment including pollution prevention, through responsible management or our operations
  • Minimising waste through continual evaluation and improvement of operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Designing future products that have minimum or no adverse effect or impact on the environment.
  • Minimising emissions through responsible selection of delivery partners and courier services.
  • Actively promoting recycling both internally and with both our valued customers, trade partners and suppliers.
  • Continually raise awareness and supporting our employee’s knowledge of environmental policies and practices both in and out of the workplace.
  • Commit to working with trade partners and suppliers with robust environmental credentials and sustainable policies of their own.
  • Creating a workspace with a reduced environmental footprint by continually reviewing opportunities to reduce energy consumption and all wastage

The above sustainable statement is just the start of a continual program of improvements and working in an improved way for an improved environment.


We want our services and products to be part of a sensible sustainable society. Among our many other Sustainability commitments we are proud to announce our partnership with Ecologi! Ecologi are committed to reducing our collective carbon footprint via a vast campaign of tree planting with The Eden Reforestation Projects and funding a range of carbon reduction projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard.

Now for the very exciting part! You will be helping us and Ecologi rebalance CO2 emissions worldwide! For Every product order that qualifies for a loyalty point we will commit to planting a tree via Ecologi. Therefore,you can also pass on this incredible sustainability feature to YOUR OWN clients! So many of us are looking for ways to make our daily life more earth-friendly and this one way your clients can, knowing that for every wonderful piece of Wall Art or Framed Print we make for you, a tree will be planted to help replace the wood and energy used in construction of that product!

You will also be able to keep a track on how the Digitalab ‘forest’ is growing on our very own Ecologi dashboard as we add your trees to the campaign every month. Together we can help make our industry more sustainable and protect our planet for generations to come.