Featured Photographers

Digitalab Featured Photographer: Steve Denby

At Digitalab, we appreciate the power of photography, whether it’s personal or professional. We asked Steve Denby for one of his images and posed a couple of questions to find out exactly what it is he loves about photography and what he’d say to any enthusiastic photographer hoping to make a career out of their passion.


Tell us a bit about this image and why you chose it to be featured.

It’s not easy to identify one image after 40 years of landscape work. After a little deliberation I decided on a fairly recent capture entitled “On the Edge” as it typifies the Norfolk Coast, with cliff erosion and the big Norfolk storming sky.

Which styles of photography most interest/inspire you?

As mentioned above I have been a landscape photographer for over 40 years and my photography has slowly evolved into the style of imagery that I am associated with. Over that time I have also had a great respect and have had huge enjoyment shooting with invisible I.R light, which is synonymous with a great deal of my work.

For many years now I have also had a massive appetite for street/urban photography, which is now consuming much of my time across the world. Strangely this has led to new commercial work commitments and opened doors leading down other photographic avenues in recent years.

What one piece of advice would you give to an aspiring photographer?

Oh dear this is a hard one, which I have been asked countless times.

1, If I’m really honest, in the initial stage don’t give up the day job and put to much stress on yourself until you begin to become a little established. That may seem negative but believe me is good advice!

2, Concentrate on creating images that are close to your heart and have grown creatively in your mind, don’t get distracted with working on images that you may think will sell, rather than ones that inspire you as an individual.

Above all enjoy your photography and stay your own person.

Steve Denby Photography