Proof Card leaflets and envelopes are the basis for all School, Nursery, Playgroup & University photographers. Incorporating single & multi-pose proof card leaflets and envelopes to be able to generate an ideal combination for your business or event.
Single pose proof card leaflets and envelopes for the time conscious photographer and multi-pose proof cards to increase pack sales with a range of images.
When it comes to creating proof cards for school students, photographers create single or multiple photos in different poses as per the proof card they have chosen.
• Choice of proof card leaflets available, A5 & A4
• Proof card envelopes available in C5 (9×6″)
• 3 Day Proof card Turnaround time
• Individual Barcodes for easy re-order
• Custom Templates uploaded to ROES
To order please contact the lab to setup your image partner account or setup the products in GotPhoto. Here at Digitalab we know every schools photography business is different and we provide sliding scale pricing based upon volume. Please contact us at the lab to receive a customised quote that matches your needs.