Digitalab Featured Photographer: Charli Photography
At Digitalab, we appreciate the power of photography, whether it’s personal or professional. We asked Charli for one of her images and posed a couple of questions to find out exactly what it is she loves about photography and what she’d say to any enthusiastic photographer hoping to make a career out of their passion.
Tell us a bit about this image and why you chose it to be featured.
I chose this image to be featured as the wedding itself was such a unique experience and every time I look at the image it brings back such lovely memories of the couples’ day. The wedding was in San Gimignano in Tuscany and it was simply stunning… think beautiful and elegant decor mixed with the rustic’ness of the Tuscany countryside. Very individual and special to both the bride and groom.
The image was taken looking out from a viewing point in San Gimignano and I love that it feels so personal even though there were tourists all around us during the shoot.
Which styles of photography most interest/inspire you?
I really love emotive photojournalism. If I look at a picture and am drawn in then there is something captivating about the image. I remember visiting an exhibition of Eve Arnold’s work in London and seeing a photo of a child that she had captured; the image made every single hair on my arms and neck stand up.
The emotion behind the image is what I continue to strive to produce in my own work. I want my clients to feel their day through the images. 80% of my shots on the wedding day are captured naturally without any ‘setting up’ on my part. The other 20% are formed of detail shots and couple portraits. I, as a recent bride myself, do think that the details are important and I try to still capture these details in the most natural way possible. The couple portraits really add to an album of completed wedding images and I think it is nice for the bride and groom to be on their own for 15-20 minutes and just appreciate the emotion of the day.
What one piece of advice would you give to an aspiring photographer?
Be true to yourself. There are millions or photographers and therefore a lot of ‘competition’ if you intend to pursue a career in photography. It is very easy to get lost in what you see as ‘amazing’ and the ‘right way to do things’ from another professional photographer. Everyone starts from nowhere and there is a lot of guess work along the way. Whilst it is important to listen to advice, it is also important to do what feels right to you and, inevitably, this will come across to your clients.