Digitalab Featured Photographer: Stu Cooper
At Digitalab, we know that you can’t underestimate the power of a truly exceptional image. The beauty of photography as an art form is in its diversity – with so many wonderful genres and so many utterly unique photographers out there, photography means many different things to many different people. That’s why we asked Stu Cooper for one of his images and asked him a couple of questions to find out exactly how he fell in love with photography and what he’d say to any aspiring photographer hoping to make a career out of their passion.
Tell us a bit about this image and why you chose it to be featured.
I love this image as it was a very memorable wedding. The bride decided half way through the day to push back the reception and lose the receiving line so she could go and have more pictures! This was great as we had loads of time to explore and experiment. We visited a pond to do some reflection shots but as we were heading back she walked across the stepping stones and it was one of those moments where everything came together in a split second. I love the natural way she’s walking, and all the leading lines from the stepping stones and the fish. Most of my shots tend to be less spontaneous so I think that’s part of what works so well with this image.
Which styles of photography most interest/inspire you?
At the moment I am hugely inspired by all the photographers working on medium format film. Film, especially the Kodak Portra films play a massive part in the look and style of our photography and it has hugely influenced the way I shoot. The look colour and feel of film is like nothing else and there is quite a movement of film photographers working all over the world that are producing some beautiful work. Part of this look is also working with natural light and the luminosity that can come from available light – no flash, no reflectors just exposing for the shadows and letting the light wrap around your subject – lush!!
What one piece of advice would you give to an aspiring photographer?
Develop a style that suits your personality and be consistent with the overall look of your work. If you have a particular look that you stick to for all your colour and black & white images and keep it constant. Your portfolio will always look professional.