Featured Photographers

Digitalab Featured Photographer: Peter Watson

At Digitalab, we appreciate the power of photography, whether it’s personal or professional. We asked Peter Watson for one of his images and posed a couple of questions to find out exactly what it is he loves about photography and what he’d say to any enthusiastic photographer hoping to make a career out of their passion.


Tell us a bit about this image and why you chose it to be featured.

This is one of my favourite images for the simple reason that it graphically depicts light. Success in landscape photography always depends on the quality of light. Poor light will invariably result in a poor image. In this photograph of the mountains of Glen Coe, deep in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, light is the most important feature. The penetrating rays transform the appearance of the landscape and create drama and visual impact. I waited five long days for this moment and it was often frustrating but every time I look at this image I know it was time well spent.

Which styles of photography most interest/inspire you?

Landscape is my passion. I find it compelling; it draws me in. Like many visual artists I seek freedom of expression and the landscape, with all its diversity, moods and whims gives me that freedom. There is always something new, something previously unseen to be captured. I find that its ever changing appearance acts as a catalyst to creativity and is always a source of inspiration. Challenging and sometimes frustrating but also very rewarding to photograph, the landscape is, to me, the perfect subject.

What one piece of advice would you give to an aspiring photographer?

For landscape photographers patience and perseverance are the key to success. What is important is not what you capture but when. Timing is critical. Watch and wait for that fleeting moment when the landscape, sky and light all combine to create a brief glimpse of perfection and be ready and poised to capture it.

Peter Watson Photography