At Digitalab we have 2 main options for you to order your digital C-type photographic prints. For the vast majority of our customers our Online Photo Printing service provides an easy, efficient and user-friendly way to order your prints and other photographic products.
For those of you requiring very large exhibition prints then sending files to us via our WeTransfer channel is probably your best option. Whichever ordering method you decide to use there is some guidance below on how best to set up your files before sending them to us.
Please note that if you are uploading via our online printing service that this system will only accept JPG files.
- To get the best results please work in sRGB colour space ( please do not work in CMYK ).
- Files should be supplied in 8-bit mode. We use Noritsu 3701HD and 3704HD printers and a Chromira printer for large format prints and these will only handle 8-bit files. When working with 16 bit files please change to 8 bit as the last step of your workflow.
- All prints up to and including 18″x12″ (plus panoramic format prints up to 36″x12″) are printed on our Noritsu machines. Ideally these should be supplied at the required print size at 300ppi.(For good quality we advise at least 200ppi.)
- All prints larger than 18″x12″ are printed on our Chromira 50 printer and these should be supplied at the required print size at 300 ppi. (For good quality we advise at least 200ppi.)
- If you require large prints on our Chromira printer you can supply JPG files via our online ordering system or if you prefer to send TIF files please use the WeTransfer channel. When saved at a high quality compression setting (10-12) JPG files are perfectly acceptable in comparison with TIF files.
- If you do send TIF files for very large prints please flatten your images and do not use LZW compression.